Collection of Historical AMR Data - phase 1
Round One grants support institutions to collate and digitise data to provide early evidence for AMR policy recommendations.
This grant is aims to expand the volume of historical and current data on AMR and antimicrobial usage. In many low and middle income countries, institutions (academic, research, medical, etc) have been collecting AMR data for many years but have not shared this information publicly. By partnering alongside these institutions to collect and digitise exiting data, grantees will help establish an AMR baseline across Fleming Fund priority countries. Grantees have been tasked with developing a plan for AMR and antimicrobial usage data collection, rating the quality of the data collected and retrieving the information. Information related to microbiology, clinical practice and epidemiology, antimicrobial consumption and whole genome sequencing will be collected. The International Vaccine Institute has been awarded as the lead grantee for South Asia and South East Asia for regional grant round one, grants three and four. The consortium is known as the CAPTURA (Capturing data on Antimicrobial resistance Patterns and Trends in Use in Regions of Asia.
International Vaccine Institute
Public Health Surveillance Group, WHO Collaborating Centre for Surveillance of AMR, Brigham and Women's Hospital; Big Data Institute, University of Oxford
Jan 2019 - Sep 2021
Bangladesh, Nepal, Indonesia, Bhutan, Sri Lanka
- Increase the volume of AMR and AMU data.
- Assess the quality of each data set.
- Collect retrospective data in public and private human healthcare.
- Analyse the data.
- Improve local capacity to collect and use data at the national, regional, and global level.
- Identify gaps in data from regions.
- Improve awareness of AMR and AMR policy with a view to addressing the problem at country and regional level.
Eligibility Criteria
Other grants
Regional Grant › Papua New Guinea | Timor-Leste | Pakistan | Laos | Vietnam | Myanmar
From Regional Grant › Papua New Guinea | Timor-Leste | Pakistan | Laos | Vietnam | Myanmar, Collection of Historical AMR Data - phase 1 , Status: Complete
Regional Grant › Bangladesh | Bhutan | Indonesia | Laos | Nepal | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Sri Lanka | Vietnam