Bhutan: Professional Fellowship 2 - phase 1
The Professional Fellowship scheme aims to support the professional development of key practitioners in Fleming Fund countries, in both human health and animal health sectors, who play an important role in implementing AMR and AMU surveillance. The scheme will provide training, coaching and mentoring to improve fellows' skills and leadership capacity in gathering quality AMR diagnostic data, AMR and AMU data collection and management, analysis and use of surveillance results.
Doherty Institute
Apr 2021 - Oct 2023
AMR Surveillance – Human Health, Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health
- Support an AMR surveillance leader in the RCDC to strengthen the AMR surveillance system in humans through the design of AMR surveillance programmes, enhancing data flows, managing and analysing data to support evidence-based decision making regarding future priorities for AMR surveillance, and identifying policies and actions to reduce AMR.
- Strengthen the One Health approach to AMR surveillance in Bhutan by sharing of information generated through AMR surveillance between the human and animal health sectors.
- Expertly interpret results of AMR surveillance in the context of AMC and AMU in related settings.
- Contribute to the sustainability of the AMR surveillance programme in Bhutan by developing training expertise and implementing training programmes.
Bioinformatics – Human Health, Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health
- To strengthen skills in bioinformatics and genetic basis of antimicrobial resistance
- Inform research and policies based on genetic understanding of AMR patterns
AMR Surveillance Food Testing – Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
- To support an AMR surveillance leader at NFTL a strengthen the AMR surveillance system in food materials through the design of AMR surveillance programmes, enhancing data flows, managing and analysing data to support evidence-based decision making regarding future priorities for AMR surveillance, and identifying policies and actions to reduce AMR.
- To support a Quality Assurance leader at NFTL to strengthen the AMR surveillance system in animals by improving the quality of pathogen identification and AST results produced by NVL (NCAH), NFTL and regional laboratories participating in AMR surveillance.
- Strengthen the One Health approach to AMR surveillance in Bhutan by sharing of information generated through AMR surveillance between the human and animal health sectors.
- Expertly interpret results of AMR surveillance in the context of AMC and AMU in related settings.
Antimicrobial Stewardship and Farm Biosecurity – Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
- To support AMU surveillance in MoAF by developing the Fellow’s expertise in promoting good livestock farming practices to reduce infection and disease spread, and in inspection and monitoring methods to encourage the reduction of antibiotic usage in farm animals.
- To strengthen the skills required to record and analyse AMU/C data to design AMR control strategies which can be used in MoAF and other sites.
- Sustainability of AMR and AMU surveillance by strengthening skills in training and implementing training programmes.
Antimicrobial Stewardship and Farm Biosecurity – Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
- To support AMU surveillance in MoAF by developing the Fellow’s expertise in promoting good livestock farming practices to reduce infection and disease spread, and in inspection and monitoring methods to encourage the reduction of antibiotic usage in farm animals.
- To strengthen the skills required to record and analyse AMU/C data to design AMR control strategies which can be used in MoAF and other sites
- Sustainability of AMR and AMU surveillance by strengthening skills in training and implementing training programmes
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Country Grant › Bhutan