Whole Genome Sequencing capacity in Africa (SeqAfrica) - phase 2
Scoping activities
Request For Proposal published
Proposals under review
Delivering technical assistance and supporting Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) capacity in Africa.
This grant focuses on establishing a regional centres for sequencing that allows the investigation of outbreaks, unusual resistance phenotypes, or delineation of the flow of organisms/genes across human/animal/agricultural and aquaculture sectors. This grant will reduce in-country costs for accessing sequencing, however, in-country expertise will still be required for appropriate sampling, identification of organisms for sequencing, sample storage, DNA extraction and downstream analysis.
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
The National Institute for Communicable Diseases of South Africa (NICD), Centre for Enteric Diseases (CED); Noguchi Medical Research Institute (NMIMR); Institute Pasteur de Dakar (IPD).
Oct 2023 - Dec 2025
Eswatini, Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone.
- Strengthening and expanding capacity for WGS and bioinformatics across Africa through supporting three regional sequencing centres in Senegal, South Africa, and Ghana. These centres will process bacterial isolates from across Africa.
- Piloting the expansion of the sequencing network into sentinel sites using MiniON/Oxford Nanopore Technologies.
- Providing technical assistance, delivering training, and simulated exercises in WGS, genetic epidemiology and bioinformatics.
Other grants
Regional Grant › Senegal | Sierra Leone | Ghana | Malawi | Nigeria | Kenya | Tanzania | Uganda | Zambia | Zimbabwe | Eswatini