Exciting new economic fellowship scheme launched through Fleming Fund

The Fleming Fund have announced a new fellowship scheme delivered by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), at the Call to Action 2018 on antimicrobial resistance (AMR).

The new economic fellowship scheme will see the support of international secondments of a cadre of skilled health economists (Fellows) to low- and middle-income one-health Ministries, such as Health, Agriculture and Environment.

Numerous estimates have shown that AMR will have a significant economic impact on countries. leading to loss of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is thought that the greatest economic impact would be felt in low-income countries with significant drops in GDP in the event of high drug-resistance diseases.

This economic threat can support policy change in high-risk countries. Therefore, through the economic fellowships programme the Fleming Fund hopes to ensure the AMR and antimicrobial usage (AMU) data is translated into potential economic impacts.

Specifically, this fellowship will uplift and build the capacity of partner countries in a number of core economic competencies that underpin the development of evidence based policy relevant to addressing AMR.

The economic fellowships scheme will aim to build capacity in:

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